Moondance Realm


Creating Moondance took me many years of vision quest and bringing the very ancient songs of the ancestors for Moondance was also very powerful times. The ancestors wrote down the songs in the ancient codex and then bringing those songs was very powerful. Preparing the land for the first Moondance was intense, asking permission and having sweats every day. In a land where poison ivy was grown to the knees and it needed to be removed. The realm that the mother chose was very beautiful. It had a very different rock in the middle and it was surrounded by the grandfather trees in a small circle. We cleaned the land by removing the poison ivy by hand- only htree women doing this work. And finally we have the first Moondance in the land, where the songs needed to be taught and presented to the people something very new for them. A new ceremony was birthed. The next year preparing the land for Moondance, something magical happened. The grandfather trees moved and created a bigger circle. And the big stone that were in the middle- we just had to barely push them and they moved. It was four women doing this work of making the land. The poison ivy disappeared and a bigger circle was created. And the circle of stones was holding hands. They have these little crystals so it sparkles everywhere. It is right there by the ancient sacred site. It was like that land knew that i was coming. It was as if the ancestors were bringing us there to make the ceremony.