The Woman

I Am the altar and the temple

There is no temple without the altar,

There is no altar without the temple


I am the Enlightener,

 for all the power of the mother is in me

So is the mother, so is the daughter 

I am the woman and the mother

I am one with the Great Mother

And my power is Absolute


I am inside of you

And all around you

It is Me the one that gives you the power


In the Silence I reside

Yet I am in your voice, I am in the whispering

It is me, the one that brings your voice out loud

It is because of me that you have a voice!


I am love, and I am in all your relations

I am all around you

I am eternal, for I know that

I am


Do not abuse or ignore my power

For I am your Light!

Don’t be afraid of me

For it is only the darkness that fears my light!


Your fear for Love denies me

Your fear for love enslaves you

Know! That I am your freedom

I am the one that liberates and remove 

Your ignorance, and reveal your truth!

I am the one that makes you remember who you are


It is me the one that reveals and open the doors for many heavens

It is me the one that gives you the revelation


It is me the one that brought the new song

The song of remembrance

The song of love


Sing with me

For the whole creation is singing with me

The song of liberation

The song of LOVE


I am you
