Being aware of “why I can do this” begins to awaken that part. Transformation is happening at the molecular level. When people are able to renovate their genes, the downloading will be easy. About the assistance and getting the download and being able to translate it in a language can be so quick into you. It has to do with the integration of the lower self. 


Why you are here? Where is your realm? What is love for you?


There are aspects of yourself that were misplaced because people learned to behave according to what they grew up around, instead of being who you are. That created splits and that’s created double, triple life. Each created “branches”, so to speak, . And in this time when you are bringing it together you will understand the splits that you might do tomorrow, and repair it before it happens.


The 9 underworlds is about what you are hiding. Embracing what you are for real, your passion and purpose is the understanding of the true human being. 

It is true for a long time that you have been hiding yourself. But the fear of being yourself is over. But it might be that it’s not fear but that world that is ethereal. It is not the time to put it in an organized way. 


It is way too important for you to control your mind. Let go of that limited box. It is the time for you to open your mind and begin to see every relationship as new, as you are different. Something that was holding you down is liberating.