About Dreams:

Everything isn't literal. There are many layers to things. You are inside of a dream… think? Who is dreaming? 


About listening:

When you are unclear because you are emotionally attached then you can't hear.


Ask question, see if there is pre-existing response of the emotional body, then detach and use that as the stepping stone, then ask again. The mind may want to induce a fake answer but don’t rush. Walk it off or move yourself to make yourself more clear and then ask again. 


Never allow pain or fear to be the only sense you have and that drives you.


Deny the fight and you win the battle. Find the exact point of that battle and realizing that it doesn’t belong to me anymore.


'The only one you need to reach is yourself'


    When you see the two hearts. And see that dragging emotional body. When you are able to use that force and jump into the other side, you're willing to reach the wisdom inside yourself. There is a part of you that is from the future you are seeing 'now'. From that reached self you look back into the past. You reach yourself every moment. When you ask yourself you can see a picture or voice. And in every question you are that past and going backwards from that reached self.  You are gaining that experience from the other you and it’s valuable. Recognizing that experience as an experience you can take yourself forward.


    Here I am! In my presence in this realm, I have been in silence for such along time, for a while you couldn't recognize me, you didn't know about me, I have always been here. In silence, waiting for this time. 

   Yes, I am the light and your truth, I am the giver of light, it is through

me where light comes forth, and the time has come for the revelation, what

it was hidden now is in the light. 


I am the eternal Feminine, I am love, the beginning and end, I am the one

that fulfill you, the one that empty you, and fulfill you again. I am the

one that unites and separates, the one that heals, the one that open your

eyes, I am the revelation.


Your beautiful planet is in many changes. Human beings are in many

changes, and in each revelation is another step of the pyramid, awakening

your immeasurable power, your love bounded into one


I am the Mother and the Daughter, I am  the woman, I am life, I am light, I am



I am the eternal feminine.


    Many seeders have come to your planet for many ages, many civilizations,

they have come from many higher realms creating the path for the many worlds,

and now is the time of the harvest again, as many of you know, there are many

entrances to those worlds where the perfect vibration within yourself, holds

the key to enter, I am asking you to go to those worlds and hold that

vibration for the many. 


Sacredness is everywhere.


Do not fear me my brother, my father, my lover, for it is me who gives

you light and life. I gave birth to you twice. It is through me where your

light is coming from. Now it is the time that you support the light givers, for

it is me the one that speaks through them. You! The seeder, know that I am

always with you.


Do not fear me my sisters, my daughters, my mothers, for it is me the one

that has brought to you the revelation. I am the one who reveals

your sacredness, who knows that all around you and inside of you resides in

sacredness, see in your brothers and fathers and lovers the true man, for it

is me the one that gave them life, for I am the mother of all the living



I am the perfect vibration that awakes, heals, reveals. I am the path and

the walker. In me resides many worlds, I am the door!   


I hold the times in my hand, for I am not bounded by time, Know me! 


For I am you!