How you perceive Without the program that comes from the system, the Information coming from the programmed mind; culture, age, color of skin etc.  You have information from that experience… or past experiences, how fast you can decode information? Don't control it…yet speed up the process.. how fast you will go? Will be according to your spiritual work, the faster you get it. 

    Your emotions are electricity…creates that flow. changing that perception of reality all the time.

When the system constantly wants to remove responsibility from everyone -you get stuck …when you take the responsibility, then it’s a different story. 

    Take the experience and only see lessons that needs to be learned…otherwise you get stuck.

See it as a whole without trying to control it with your mind and see what you want to see.


    Can you feel the absence of whatever that is that was pulling you down.. ? whatever it is that doesn’t exist anymore? You have been everything…absolutely everything, you have already experienced everything. You have been in the dark place, happy place, now it’s a much more higher realm but completely the absence of everything. 


     The first thing that came to mind.. is freedom. Even when you feel your body, and you feel trapped in it, your spirit can fly and can do all kinds of things. Yet, your body remembers how to do this. Just like the earth, the body will follow your spirit. Your physical body can feel that liberation too, remember your original body which is that body of light. And all these situations that was like a dark place with fears, with so much commotion, emotions that it trap you into different stories, into different identities will cease to exist. Those sensations of being trapped about something, by embracing that true human being that you have always been where these things honestly really exist is beautiful.    

     You are choosing right now through all these resentments and pain and suffering, right now…what do you want? No one will judge you. Misunderstanding yourself with no responsibility at all and how important it is to grow up as a soul to take responsibility. And being able to understand what it means “identification”, and how to be able to drop one life and begin to work in the other one. If you want to work in all these things and gain those understandings you will create new lessons, you need to choose lessons, what do you really want? You’re choosing something that you already chose for this life, then you forgot. Can you see from above? Everything is about love. What about dancing, playing piano? You can do all whatever you want, but if you are able to understand love in absolutely everything and every situation, it will keep you high. It will keep you into a higher understanding. 


     Identity, that’s it. Every time you identify, you project yourself. You are launching another reality for you. And every time you judge yourself it’s because you are judging everyone around you. And it brings that connection into different kinds of identities, different aspects of yourself.  


     How do you supply to yourself that love you are instead of going around thinking you need love? And you need to go around pleasing to receive love. That creates all these identities and a fragmentation. That you always feel you need to be pleasing everyone and do things so that other people can love you or think that they love you instead of being through that love. And of course helping others comes naturally in that way because you do realize that that person is your other you. But not that “pleasing beggar” kind of a deal. And then you feel guilty, shame and judge yourself and all these are little identities that you can avoid if you can see the higher picture. The daughter of the Great Mother is not the beggar of love. 


     You want to master the hologram. That’s why you are here. Understanding how that hologram hooks you into different situations. A hook is emotional and yet it is your choice at all times. When you master the hologram you are able to see the emotions from a higher perspective and understand. The hologram is there for you to learn about love, about you. 


     How is that identity that truly brings the people down and how is this working? How it is happening, what is it and what are the contracts that you did that you can just break it now.  Those contracts, you’re doing it for a reason, that reason was in that time space. Many of you make that exercise where you go in that space within yourself and break a contract.  Yet how is it, that addiction to those emotions that keep you hooked in it? Can you see that? It is the time for really breaking those addictions to that certain kind of emotions that it only takes you to that little circle over and over again. See it from a higher view. The Great Mother in you is about the highest picture and it is always a next realm. That highest good for everyone includes you and how in many ways it is completely related because even through those emotions you can see that there is another way. Yet you question it. Yet you are afraid to jump and stay high. So, when you know that you are love, it is this place within your own self that is auto sufficient. You know that everything around you is about love. 


     What you understand about love, about yourself always stays with you, even if the memories are erased.