About Alignment.


You are able to perceive the ascension that is happening as lot of lies are falling apart. 


     There is this genetic memory, that divine spark that has been passed on for many generations. it’s being activated in this time. So people can begin to comprehend where we they going. 


     That original code is everywhere in the universe, and inside of that incredible cosmic being that you are, with the connection with everything around you, with the stars, with our brothers and sisters from the stars.


     The first door to open is the male and female, perfect balance of original balance of the human being. 


The programming has been about separation. and people are obsessed with the form. it is the world inside of you, that virtual reality. Raising the vibration is happening naturally, as the lies are falling, 


    The application of that knowing.


     In this world where everything is interconnected recognize what is happening to you is happening to everyone.


    The wind is bringing new messages, the earth is bringing new messages. and what is happening is that incredible integration of the self. as human beings integrate themselves. and understand that simultaneous realities happening at the same time and make it conscious. 


    You have a mind that is completely telepathic. so as you are bringing it immediately to the people around you, as you evolve, you are making it conscious, at the same time, your true being is being aware of that other world that is falling apart- where racism has been ruling, where the infection resides, where the separation of male and female resides, pain and destruction became a way of living.


     The quickening is happening as we speak. can we trust ourselves can we believe in ourselves to let that incredible light be? 


     We will put flowers in your path…that is the wisdom you have…the choices you are doing is based on the highest good for everyone, the path is brining your next evolution. 


     The winds of changes are here.. the floods that are happening everywhere in the world is about the emotional body of human being that needs to be cleaned again. there is this incredible love that you are, that connects you to the highest truth available for you and living in that creates a new perception of reality,  that unity, state of oneness is  

as your wisdom is beginning to emerge it is enlightening your mind, your way of living.


  What you perceive as a reality  was your male the ways of the outside world and your female of the inside world, ways of the essence and your mid are becoming one and the same.


     For a while in a many ceremonies sweat lodges etc…she has been saying come back to the ways of the feminine for she is the one leading the way, it is in your heart the one that leads.


    For a while everything has been a deduction mind…for women it needs to be from that inside to the outside, standing and recognizing who you are. this is not the time where pain rules. it is the time to awake that light body you are, and awake the flowers you have.


    First is about unity and the second one is about that perfect balance that resides within the self. Enlighten your minds is imperative at this time. and it is the time now to relearn how to think and understand that that mind is about the perpetuation of life protection of life, at the same that that that essence of life is being understood in the same manner.


     The third step is understanding of your own triad…mother-daughter-crown, son-father-holy spirit


    You might encounter much more synchronicities in life if you put attention you will receive all these incredible messages ..will happen because of the incredible alignment that you are…and you see all this assistance that you have, and it has to do with your own spiritual work and 

be sure that you are holding hands with the great mother…for this one who created you with your own purpose in life.


     That incredible triad is giving you a new vision of who you are…so the old identities that have been enslaving you for all this time are leaving and the connection to that essence is bringing that integration of your own self and everything around you. understanding that triad also will show you that everything is part of a complement, you are experiencing in absolutely everything, you have been living in a hologram for many generations that has been maintained by the around you and your own belief system…and as that belief system is changing because you are encountering higher truth about yourself that hologram will change. it is the time to transmute yourself and transcend. 


     That part of you that has been recognizing truth is divine right…how do we get there.

we can touch that truth and be-living in that higher truth..but there is something in the middle things that you need to overcome,.. that system put on you…


How do we connect directly into that source? You ask.…by being truth.


     Auto sufficient has to do with breaking the attachment with the prejudice

how does it feel to be able to understand a different story?

the ancestors are in a higher plane of existence - not vibrating in cultural things, or fear or system dependence etc

there is a way of matching to get in there - has to do with comprehending a different story

how the ancestors think you the body- the physical mental emotional or physically

no-one had a problem to connect with the one that created them in that time. Be auto sufficient of love, for you are Love!


     When you work in that highest good and you know  there is many other worlds and you know that in different realm and there is not jealousy and envy imagine how it will feel for you when you don't have all those things. 


     Why those fears can get into you? The system plant it in you…through movies, parents, they plant it in everything…in relations thinking that it’s in certain way…what is it.?

your belief system is the one being tested right now…that belief system is the one you accepted, what do you really want to watch in the TV what do you want to relate.. are you even aware of your thoughts…?they are making choices without being present in your own choices…

that belief system is what you want to defend for a reason and gives you that sensation of belonging to a system that is crumbling.. and understand those choices…


    If people are afraid to be themselves then how can they find their skills?.


    The mother is in everyone but the people that have struggle is because they are constantly projecting into the hologram.


How do you break those projections? people look at you with all those biases-people ignoring or pretending , .etc. 


    Accepting who you are- has to do with bigger pic, breaking concepts that have been imposed, instead of managing concepts, but observing where the heart is,    The biggest fear people have is the fear of freedom. instead of managing concepts- learn to manage energy for all is energy, observe it from the inside to the outside.  


    When you are making your prayers, must be aware that there is that great mother inside of you listening, what you’re doing is trying to align. yet when you think you can manipulate it won’t work. you must understand the higher pic. the acceptance you have about your true self. …you can think of it as a concept but when it comes time to put it on, is filled with doubts, the fear that people have about being themselves is the biggest. Fear is becoming pandemic. 



   Understand what is ruling you is the programming- related with culture. There is a mirror, 

there is reflection and refraction. refraction is something that has nothing to do with you.  Reflection is an energy within your own self. 


     People give so much power to their perception of reality, thinking that is the only reality that exist, instead of observing a reality by itself— so you see it through belief system, past experiences etc-    example, passing through one bad thing, thinking again will be the same experience, so you repeat the lesson over and over again, and stop trusting innocence goes out the window, the innocence has to do with you don't need to react based on that situation. you need to heal it those experiences. 


     The physical bodies are preparing for ascension. 

find that place of harmony within you. connect with the earth- your nature. how do you bring you up? …you can ask the dandelion to give medicine of chamomile… yes. because of the world of onesness that you live, the medicine of one is medicine of many,  your highest good and your medicine is together.  


     To make the realization of yourself—need to realize the acceptance of yourself 

people see each other “what you’re good for me” instead of seeing the person or plants, animals,  without the projection. 

   Need to leave behind those projections based on culture instead of that acceptance. can you see yourself as free? how will it feel to be free? can you be free? I want you to think about freedom and have a walk, and see where it takes you.