Denying the battle is important, yet why you are denying? Because you don’t want to fight or because you can see the higher picture?

     And then when you decide, ok, “I’m not into denying anymore because it will hunt me back and I’m going to fight with it” does it needs to be a fight?. What are the weapons you’re going use? So you’re going to use the weapons of the true human being. You’re going to use the weapon of higher truth, and weapons of the true human being. How do you see those battles? And the truth is a huge weapon, because it will destroy any lies whatsoever. It’s like a booster that you have when you present a raw truth about something. That's when the lie gets destroyed, “destroyed” or integrated…when you present a truth it’s because there are a lot of lies being impose in the people. 

     There are always distortions that get connected into the truth. It cannot exist by itself. It’s linked with the truth. So when you present the truth, people wants to make the Tezcatlipoca like the bad guy. But that virtual reality is a virtual because it’s a realm of learning, 


   There is a part of you that is not in it, that can see the higher picture that is not in it. And what is it and how does it work? Seeing the Tezcatlipoca as a tool, here to help you. Think about Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca, what about if he wasn't drunk and he had said, “no, I’m not ugly”. Because he was drunk, means being connected to a realm, your senses are dull, you cannot think right when you are drunk, you cannot hold your balance when you are drunk, in your senses. Unless you have a part that is involved in it, that’s how you open the doors. The guard said, “you cannot come in and here comes Quetzalcoatl that says, “come in”. Inviting the test, a part of you that someway or another you can see that hologram and how it works. It’s just a hologram. Did you drop it? You drop the whole thing because you have the ability to do that. Because that was part of the virtual reality. Yet that’s where you are learning, that it is all your you’s and a different reality is happening. 


Love is Life! You always exist! You are love! You are life! Don’t allow life lives you… 


    The system loves the people ashamed, tricksters, guilty of the guilty, obnoxious, angry, aggressive… then “no body is perfect” means I don't need to accept the purity of love.