True meditation is the state of no mind 


7 and 1st chakra is the vagina just like the n-s of field / 1st and 2nd dimension of the planet. 

2nd and 6th- related with healing

3rh and 5th - forms and communication

4th- I am- consciousness- heart. 


Start with your heart chakra,  Lower chakras are counter clockwise and upper chakras are clockwise…

Because that’s how the 

Those circles are expanding from your heart- connect the first chakra with heart- from that heart to 7.  - flower of life- particular flower of life symbol.


   When you raise your consciousness and see that connectivity within yourself --- that’s where the hollowness resides. ---that’s the 'pole'/the source.

You're the one that is translating it into thoughts. 


   Find that place of alignment/that place in yourself that knows how to access the grid of sacred places. Can be done in dreams. Drop everything that is bothering you.  



   The original vibration of human being is being connected through that alignment  with the one that created you, that people are holding it for a while now. It has been a few years since this incredible help you have making the downloading the people needs and when we have been talking about this alliance. it is part of what is going on and understanding the alliance is part of understanding the assistance.  From the time of infection created a separation of densities in people…that didn’t go lower and that did.  


   Remember how we chat about monitoring our thoughts,?  how people are being manipulated.  Keep monitoring your thoughts. 


     The beings that created that infection, created that genetic engineering- part of what is in the body. When you launch yourself as a body you launch into that infiltration. Remember, the 2 hearts? One all experiences you have had, and the other one is connected to multiverse. It is powerful to understand how the two hearts work. Its an energy within yourself. And its important to see what works. When you are able to distinguish these two heart- one bonded through the body and one now. You enter in to that realm where the manipulation is getting into you. 


     The system is using your massive consciousness to co-create with all this darkness.  


   When you only think in your limited world contributes to the dark massive consciousness. Understand that door so you can close it. And be able to identify yourself with your light body. That authenticity that you have is there, never got lost. You can feel it but the mind betrays you because the mind is weak. 


   When they are using your energy to co-create something very dark in the world, you cannot say 'I didn’t do it'. 


    That part of your genetic memory is contributing to the genetic engineering of your body. 

The older scripts of the dark lords impose  slavery, slavery has been within yourself and only you can liberate yourself by choice. 


   When you touch upon your original vibration, you are tapping into why you were created. Everyone comes from the same source, the same root. You all have been created by the Great Mother.  


    It is about awakening and activating your original vibration. The essence of who you are does not change by where you have been or even your genetics.


So having a body is something that you need to know who you are and finding that evolution of your soul. 


    The ancestors have been saying how you need to go into the underworld to go to the upperworld. This has to do with the initiations In this planet, in the ancient tribes…like the Calmecac.. School of enlightenment…and how it has been that those initiations are being provided to you in your life…some of you have passed that test and some of you don’t so the stories are being repeated so you can recognize it and part of the underworld is being uncovered that without even knowing you have been aligning with the bad guys. So that alignment is being imperative. 


    In this time space, it has to do about breaking the attachment, the distortion of love. When you are able to attach, you are hooking into something and you are being a slave to it. In this time space, all the relations are changing and going into the higher perspective of reality. And its about recognizing what it means to you- being that part as a woman. What is it this world of oneness? How has it been working? If you think in drugs you will find that. If you find the alignment you go into another realm. And in that way you are putting yourself into a higher light body.


     For a while, you have been given the device of the sun- its medicine. Your body is not used to holding a high vibration. When you raise your vibration, you are preparing your form too. This is how you begin to get used to the form. It is the feminine the one that enlights the masculine. The masculine being the form, the manifestation. 


    The whole manipulation is being done through fear. When you put an identity about something, you are making aa choice and choosing a path for yourself. 


    You are surrounded with people, and people co-create. When and how you are choosing? Look for the sacred moment of choice


   If you are not being aware about this, you will be pulled into it. All this that I have told you will be part of your own test, your own choices. That’s why they call human beings are called half breed. Part human and part divine spark. That’s who you identify with. 


   Raise the vibration through truth. 'Truth will make you free'. When you know your signature, you can recognize what is your and what is not. And if you are being exposed to a dark energy in a group, it is something  that needs to be transmuted and heal it by the group. When you recognize your own vibration. You can easily detach from what doesn’t belong to you.       


So, recognize what is your energy and what isn’t, you can feel it, and take it to the mother. 


    There is a part of you (remember the two hearts. One bounded by experience, genetic memory, language,  and it is being co-created. That’s the one that doesn’t like change. She thinks that one experience that your have is the most important one. Always putting a bad experience into new people and situations, projecting constantly. And this is how you perpetuate identity. Emotional body makes you being that its all about you,  the saying “my experiences made me” means you are denying who you are, your sacredness. That is the voice of the emotional body. 

    What is behind it is that I am afraid of your own power so you cannot see another woman with power. That heart needs to be overcome and heal. Behind that is this other incredible heart that knows and the one that heals. The moment you ask a  question- the answer is being revealed.